Wednesday 8 February 2017

Worst Rainy Day

So I have been thinking of talking to you guys about my first experience this year. This might be my first post this year but this experience is certainly not. By the title of the post you can easily tell that it's about a rainy day which went terrible wrong. So you might be wondering by now “what can possibly go wrong in a rainy day, I mean rain is good right?” well NO, rain is not good, at least for me. 

Sunday 1 January 2017

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year to all have a lovely new year, love you all!!!

Saturday 31 December 2016

Bye 2016

For many of us 2016 has been a great year. This year we were able to discover and inovate a lot of things in science and technology. We were able to detect gravitational waves thanks to LIGO.
We were able to find numerous different species of animals and insects and, were able to disapprove many myths in daily and scientific lives. There is still a lot to discover but we accomplished a lot this year.

Sunday 25 December 2016

Merry Christmas!!!

This is amazing, these times Christmas was the best, and I mean it! There was singing, decorating and a whole lot of fun and I got a lot of presents too everything was amazing, but all of this got me thinking, why do very celebrate Christmas anyway?


Thanksgiving is a really tasty festival for a food lover like me. Yeah it's Thanksgiving and I am super excited for it, I mean I was a month ago, but what ever. But tomorrow is Christmas eve and I am gonna do my best to publish about it on time, and not a month after like the last ones. But over all we are going to have fun and we will learn a lot, so not waiting any more time let's go.

Wednesday 21 December 2016


Hay guys it's Halloween, we'll it was, a month ago but I thought why not do it any way. So we all love Halloween but have you ever wondered how Halloween came into existence. Well I'll tell you, but firstly you should get some popcorn cause it's going be be fun.

So to remember how Halloween reached or calenders I use a really fun story and I think you would like it too. So here is how it goes...

Sunday 16 October 2016

Global Dignity Day

Global Dignity Day takes place in schools on the third Wednesday of October each year. It is carried out in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Africa and the Americas. Thousands of volunteers act as guides and facilitators, leading the students in a conversation about dignity. The aim is to make the concept of dignity tangible and understandable for each and every student. Defining dignity in their own words and sharing stories from their own lives gives students ownership of the concept.