Sunday 25 December 2016

Merry Christmas!!!

This is amazing, these times Christmas was the best, and I mean it! There was singing, decorating and a whole lot of fun and I got a lot of presents too everything was amazing, but all of this got me thinking, why do very celebrate Christmas anyway?

Well this all is actually the celebration of Christ's birthday. The earlier people couldn't decide on what date was Jesus born on. But there is no where mentioned in the bible of his date and neither of Christmas. Then why December 26th? Here's why, the Christians couldn't agree on which day was Jesus actually born, in the 3rd century it was decided that his birthday was on 25th december. And that day became the celebration of 'Saturnalia' or 'Christmas'. 

By the end of the 8th century Christmas was widely celebrated across whole Europe.
For centuries people threw some hard parties for this special day, am similar to Mardi Gras. But you won't believe that some of the puritans opposed the idea of Christmas. But how do we still celebrate it today, the court approved a bill that who ever would be caught celebrating Christmas would have to pay 5 shillings which was a good way to get way the get money in bulk. 

But Christmas as we know it wasn't there till the 1800's, that's when prince Albert of Germany brought his tradition of decorating evergreen trees to England after he married queen Victoria.
The four fit tree was published in American magazines and the then the tradition spred rapidly and so did Christmas cards. Giving gifts was a relatively old tradition.

But if everything was based on Jesus then where did Santa pop other from? Well his character is based on Saint Nicholas of Maya who was famous for giving gifts also known as sinterklaas and his costume was brought by no one other then cocoa cola, yes in an add they detected Santa wearing a red and white suite and that's how it's still how it goes.

Christmas has a really bright and colourful history and we all love it. Stay tuned for more and merry Christmas to all!!!

I hope you enjoyed, the history of christmas and my new way of expressing things. Have fun and comment if you liked it and follow me on Twitter and Instagram.

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