Wednesday 8 February 2017

Worst Rainy Day

So I have been thinking of talking to you guys about my first experience this year. This might be my first post this year but this experience is certainly not. By the title of the post you can easily tell that it's about a rainy day which went terrible wrong. So you might be wondering by now “what can possibly go wrong in a rainy day, I mean rain is good right?” well NO, rain is not good, at least for me. 

No offense meant but I solemnly hate rain. But that's just personal preference and I can't argue on that, not now. And as far as the question goes “ how bad can rainy days be?” well for me, they have been worst and I don't think there is any limit to how bad a rainy day can be.
So here is how it all started, it was a normal day, I was in school and it was the last period and the sky was clear and the sun was blinding bright. The person was of half an hour and as the bell started to ring the class was empty in a blink of an eye. Normal still, I make my way to the class I usually sit in at the home time. I was quietly reading my book and the background was just too loud for me to concentrate so I made my way to the same rate seats outside, in the busy corridor at least it wasn't that loud. But then I heard it, the sound of water splashing on the sizzling hot ground beneath.

I went to check if I was hallucinating or was it a caffeine overload.  And the horrors were true, it was actually raining. The bright bad boy or sugar system just disappeared. The thick black clouds covered the horizon and it seemed as if it was noon already and it was only 2:45p. Now the sound of rushing water was kinda pleasant but I realized than I had drunk a little bit of too much water and the the sound of rushing water triggered my brain towards peeing and now I had to go. It was the home time and keeping order at the time was hard cause students wander in the school at random with a washroom excuse. So they close it it the last period and I really had to go. And the toilet wouldn't open for just one person.15 minutes had passed and I was now getting restless. The pain that I was going through, to hold it in was just too great and could clearly be seen through my face.

I started to turn red and that's when I head my name “huzaifa bin saif” my mother had arrived, there was no limit to my happiness. I rushed my way out covering my head with my left hand I slipped my book in my courts right pocket. I and my mother quickly made got to the car, the streets were flooded and I had to wait in the rain while mum brought the car out of the small scale flood. There was just one umbrella and guess who took it. My mom, I had to stand under a shutter that unfortunately started leaking when my mom left. There was hardly any space to move cause I wasn't the only one there. I had to remain stationary and the water dripped slightly towards my right shoulder.
One or two minutes had passed and I thought that why not read the book and that's when I realized that my right pocket turned into a water reservoir and my book was like a half sunk ship. I quickly pulled it out of my pocket and squeezed it and then shaked it to get rid of the water and by mistake I splashed some of it on a tall man wheeling a walvit coat, the water wetted his coat from the back and he actually felt that slight splash, he turned and shot a scarey stair. I knew that he'd be really offensive and I really didn't think that he'd be polite, which he wasn't but I tried to be nice. I said “ hi, nice weather right !?”. I felt as if saying that made him more angry but like a volcano he erupted.

After several minutes my mom arrived and by the looks of the car it really needed a wash like urgently the man's schold made me forget about my emergency but now it was back and stronger than before. I was straining in the back seat, I urgently took off my wet coat which had served it's purpose and like a dying warrior I laid beside me. The drowning ship was still wet and I couldn't even bare to imagine what the librarian would do to me when she finds out that the book has gone through such a beating. I told my mom to step on it and the car zipped across the empty road splashing water in all directions. Now I started to feel as if my bladder would burst any moment.

We reached home in about five minutes, but it felt like an hour and I actually took my time to relax and get free from all the stuff. After that I felt really light and good, I felt relieved but just to find that I forgot my school bag back in school. Going back was not an option so I called one of my friends to get it for me and I unfortunately placed my phone in my bag. The matter was now serious cause I didn't want to lose my phone on any cause so I called the school management and begged them the get it for me. They accepted my request and send the bag through one of the junior staff. I waited for that person and after waiting fifteen minutes or so he came and I was really happy to see my bag safe and my mobile phone still there but unfortunately the water had tampered with its mechanics and now it won't open. 

That was a really horrible day, I guess that's all life had in stored for that day or maybe it was saving it for another day, I don't know and I don't care. The rest of the day went normally, so all's well that ends well right. No, not for me actually.

I hope you like my new way of expressing things ,comment  if you liked and follow me on Twitter and Instagram.

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