Saturday 31 December 2016

Bye 2016

For many of us 2016 has been a great year. This year we were able to discover and inovate a lot of things in science and technology. We were able to detect gravitational waves thanks to LIGO.
We were able to find numerous different species of animals and insects and, were able to disapprove many myths in daily and scientific lives. There is still a lot to discover but we accomplished a lot this year.

Many good things happened and we learned more about water. We also accomplished something that seemed impossible, gene editing. Einstein was right again like always, and sir Issac Newton's theories are questioned due to the success of the em-drive. Juno successfully entered and started the orbit around Jupiter. Two astronauts came back from an year long mission in the ISS. Now AI are able to beat humans in their games like the game of GO. Stephen hawking is still alive.

Space-x was able to successfully land 5 rockets and by rockets, cosmologests have started to prepare for mission to Mars (missions aimed for 2018) but at least it's a good thing. Trump won the elections, don't know how that's good but congrats for him. The hole in the ozone layer is finally coming to a close. Those black and white balls of fur, yes pandas are no longer in danger.
Not only that but renewable energy resources are reaching new heights, we even flew a solar powered plane, I mean Isn't that amazing. These are some of things that happen this year but hate to say it that for me and a lot of people, this year has been the worst!

Not for only us it wasn't, perhaps it was because of us, like the zookeepers killed Harambe for saving a boy who fell in his cage thinking he would harm him. Hillary Clinton lost the elections.These are the things that can be put up again but we lost some really creative minds, celebrities and artists, also one person in particular Neil deGrasse Tyson's father Cyrillic DeGrasse Tyson.

Muhammad Ali the famous boxer also died. Carrie Fisher, George Michael, Patty duke, Van Williams, Alan Thicke and many more. These are not the only people who died, the out break of many other diseases like zika have killed hundreds and malira and dengue are still threats and many bacterial infections have become super bugs and have become resistant to antibiotics. Yellow fever has also been devastating. Further more I will conclude that I wish you have a happy 2017 and I hope it would be better then 2016.

I hope you like my new way of expressing things ,comment  if you liked and follow me on Twitter and Instagram. And have a happy new year

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