Sunday 25 December 2016


Thanksgiving is a really tasty festival for a food lover like me. Yeah it's Thanksgiving and I am super excited for it, I mean I was a month ago, but what ever. But tomorrow is Christmas eve and I am gonna do my best to publish about it on time, and not a month after like the last ones. But over all we are going to have fun and we will learn a lot, so not waiting any more time let's go.

So here we are, thanksgiving is a really unique festival and it too originated way, way back and has had a lot of changes and enhancements. So those who know how thanks Giving started bear with me for a second. We all know that thanksgiving started when the pilgrims invited native Americans on a feast, but thanksgiving didn't reach our balanced and busy calendars before a couple of 200 years, yes probably 2 hole centuries. I don't know how they would have spend their, I mean like thanksgiving is the best thing that ever happen to me this year, yet!

It wasn't just a meal but whole three day festival of eating, hunting and other entertainment for the pilgrims first successful harvest, let's not go in much detail and move on. In return the Indians gave 5 deer as gift for the colonists. To your bewilderment turkey was nowhere near the menu and neither did they have pumpkin pie or potatoes. Though they didn't intend to start a thanks Giving tradition and they didn't celebrate it in some subsequent years it did make it to our calendars. But how? Well in 1789 president, wait for it, George Washington, yes the guy on your dollar. He announced the first thanksgiving holiday which took place on 26 november but it was still not an annual tradition. It became annual tradition in the 19th century.

But how? Well thanks to an American 'female' writer, Sara Josepha Hale. She was inspired by the diary of the pilgrims. She started a 30 year campaign in 1827 for thanksgiving to be a public holiday, she also introduced the recipes of pumpkin pie, stuffing and the most important one turkey.
In 1863, yeah the time of the civil war, president Abraham Lincoln declared that thanksgiving would be celebrated on the final Thursday of November and it was now a annual tradition, finally!

I hope you enjoyed, the Thanksgiving history and my new way of expressing things. Have fun and comment if you liked it and follow me on Twitter and Instagram.

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