Wednesday 21 December 2016


Hay guys it's Halloween, we'll it was, a month ago but I thought why not do it any way. So we all love Halloween but have you ever wondered how Halloween came into existence. Well I'll tell you, but firstly you should get some popcorn cause it's going be be fun.

So to remember how Halloween reached or calenders I use a really fun story and I think you would like it too. So here is how it goes...

For starters imagen you are 2000 years in the past, yes the history of your favorite festival goes that far. Wearing casual, peasant type cloths, way, way before the enlightenment. It's November 1 and you are participating in an ancient cultic festival known as Samhain. You should, but you aren't scared because legend says that, before the night of Samhain it's said that the dead returned as GHOSTS. Yeah history can be scary and childish some times. Moving on, you are at your house and your mom hands you a basket full of fruits, buns and a bottle of wine, and tells you to put it out on the threshold, cause people believed that roaming spirits were kept occupied by those treats. And I literally have no idea how in the world did they digest the treats, and wouldn't the treats just go right through them? I mean they are ghosts, like da. Remember I told you how childish history can be, will there is more from where that came from.

In that time of the day, if you wanted to go out of your house, you have to disguise yourself as a ghost too so you would look like ghosts and be mistaken as fellow ghosts. Really awkward isn't it! And I used to think that applied only on zombies but no one told me that ghosts were dumb too. Disappointed from what man had become, you travel a little further in time. It's the 8th century. Now you end up in a church where the pope is just saying some mumbo gumbo and says Samhain is now All hallows. Remember the night before Samhain or All hallows or what ever? Yeah, that became the all hallows eve and latter on 'Halloween'. Ah, that's how I like it and I really mean it, so trump don't mess with that!

You might have heard the term ' trick-or-treat' haven't you,  you might have used it when you were little but I bet you didn't know about souling or guising!
You by now would haven't even wondered where we were roaming this hole time. Any guesses? Will it's Medieval Britain or 'mid evil Britain' as I like to call it.
After the all hallows eve and all hallows it self on the 2nd of November it was all souls' day where the needed would beg for pastries known as 'soul cakes' and return they would pray for people's relatives this was called souling. And I thought Christmas  was the only festival with back to back fun, though I still can't make up who was the real needy, the needy ones or the people giving them pastries, oh, my mistake, it's "soul cakes"!

On the contrary Guising was when young people, let's say toddlers, roam the streets dressed up in costumes and would expect and accept fruits, vine and money. A fine way to get rich haa. Well not so much, they got all these things for singing, reciting poetry or telling jokes.
All this was lost but in the 19th century  the Scottish immigrants revived this historic festival, in result came trick-or-treat. Though at first tricks and treatswere more often payed attention to, tricks in the form of pranks and hijinks, and treats well in the form of candy. In the 1950's the custom took the shape of what we see now a days, a family friendly and kid centered form.
Now people all over the US and parts of the world spend a lot of money on costumes and candy making it the second best festival after Christmas.

I hope you enjoyed, the Halloween history and my new way of expressing things. Have fun and comment if you liked it and follow me on Twitter and Instagram.

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