Monday 16 November 2015

Chicken Tikka

On my reach to the restaurant, I was completely engrossed in the music that befuddled in my ear drum until the mildewed and savoury smell of spices and steamed chicken wobbled under my nose, I inhaled it with saliva dripping down my mouth. My mother had already booked a table for us. I sat impatient. Eager to fill my mouth with the tenderness of chicken topped with lemon and sweet deliciously baked garlic bread. The meal arrived, I drooled with greed in my eyes and a ravenous belly to munch up all the chunks I shallow. I dipped myself in the tenderness and taste that made me forget everything, floating on the desire for more I threw my hand for another piece until I realised that the dish was as clean as if it has been washed. I simpered knowing I had crossed my limits and had exhibited a disappointing ethic, yet it was forgivable hence it was a day well spent.

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