Monday 23 November 2015

Angel and the Wood-cutter

Once there was a woodcutter who earned his living by selling wood in the market. One day he was cutting some wood on the bank of the river. His axe slipped and fell into the deep water. He became sad. Just then an engine happened to pass that way. He asked him why he was sad. The woodcutter said" I have lost my axe with which I earned my daily bread." The angel took pity on him and dived into the water for the axe. He brought out the Golden Axe, but the man refused to own it. The angel dive in and brought out a silver axe but this, too, was refused by the woodcutter.  A Angel dived for the third time and  brought out the axe that the man had lost. The woodcutter was delighted to see his are and accepted it at once. The Angel was so pleased with his honesty that he made him a present  of the other two axes also.

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